Summit Performance Indianapolis produces top-quality theatre that explores the lives and experiences of women.

Summit Performance Indianapolis will be a pillar of quality entertainment in Indianapolis.
Summit will offer thoughtful and engaging performances and readings, specifically chosen to inspire discussion and dialogue amongst our audience and community.
Summit will mindfully produce work that creates opportunities for women, through producing the work of female playwrights, employing a high percentage of female actors, directors, designers, artisans, and staff, and creating for our audiences art that spotlights the experiences of women in a continual exploration of the human condition.

Increasing the representation of women on and behind the stage
Increasing the representation of our country's ethnically and racially diverse population on and behind the stage
Retaining and Growing our local artist community
Promoting Equity in the arts
Connecting to our community
Raising the bar for quality in Indianapolis Theatre
Inspiring and fostering community dialogue around pertinent social issues